Should I transfer my audio to CD?
Like video tapes, audio cassettes are subject to quality loss over time and use. Records are large, fragile, and difficult to play ouside of your home. By converting your records and cassettes to CD, you can shrink your audio collection, safeguard it against damage, and play your old records and tapes on any CD player or portable music device including your iPod!
How do I prepare my old audio for transfer?
Simply give us your old records and cassettes and we'll do the rest! Provide the original cases, if available, and we will use the original album artwork for your new CD.

Allow us to transfer your records and audio cassettes to digital files.
Service Includes:
- Choice of file and compression type, mp3 by default.

Allow us to put your transferred records and audio cassettes on CD!
Service Includes:
- Full color case with original recording artwork (if provided)
* We strongly recommend at least one copy to safeguard your audio from accidental loss or damage.